We celebrate our 25th anniversary at the IHK Cologne – 25 years of biotechnology for sustainability

25. August 2023

Phytowelt is an innovative and experienced biotechnology company. As contract researcher we develop your process, your product or your plant – for flavors, active and raw material production. For various industrial applications we combine molecular biology with plant biotechnology and are pioneers of a bio-based economy.

In our industrial or green biotech department we find the best way to produce your desired molecule – in the plant or in the bacterium. Biotechnological production (fermentation, biotransformation, biocatalysis) can save costs, increase efficiency and protect the environment and resources. In addition to these activities, we are a producer of natural and sustainable flavors of the highest purity.

Anniversary Symposium:

Sept. 7, 2023, 4 p.m., Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK).

Registration online at: